Dust and Violets Page 6
"Oh..." Lips brushed the corner of his mouth, a tongue touching so gently. That hand traced solid, real circles around his belly.
He gasped, breath rushing out of him as he turned toward those lips, wanting. "You kissed me that night, too. I've been kissed before, just never... it never felt quite like that."
"It frightened you." Another touch of that sweet tongue teased him. "Will it this time?"
He raised his head, automatically following the touch. "I didn't think you were really there then. I do now."
"You believe in me." The words were whispered and then Samuel's lips covered his, the pressure warm and wet and real.
His whole body jerked, his lips parting instinctively and inviting Samuel in. God, it felt good. Samuel pushed inside, tongue touching light and careful, almost dancing in his mouth. Like air, but more. He moaned, tongue reaching out, touching Samuel's and oh, god, there it was, he was touching Samuel's tongue and he couldn't breathe and he was so hard, so very hard.
Samuel's hand slid down to cup his groin, warm and heavy, making his breath catch. He gripped the arms of his chair very, very tight and tried not to embarrass himself by coming just from a few soft kisses and gentle touches.
Samuel made a soft sound into his mouth and then a loud pounding shattered the kiss. Diane's voice rang through the air, happy and shrill and completely unwelcome. "Jas-baby? Hey, Jas? You home?"
In an eye blink, he was alone.
He sat there, gasping, heart pounding hard. Shit.
"Sam?" he whispered, running his hands through his hair.
"Samuel?" he tried again, a little bit louder.
Nothing. Not a breeze, not a touch, not a movement anywhere.
The knocking came again, making him jump and he got up, calling out "coming". Ironic really, as he wasn't now. He looked down, making sure he wasn't coming apart, but his clothes were neat, he'd even lost his erection, so he was decent. Too bad he couldn't get his heart to stop skittering like a scared bird's.
He opened the door and mustered up what he hoped was a normal smile. "Hey, Diane. I didn't know you were dropping by today."
"I found the most perfect wallpaper swatches for the governess' suite, Jas! I was hunting through antique patterns and found it!" She was bouncing, wearing a lime green sundress with huge orange flowers that were going to make him blind.
"Are you sick, Jas? You look flushed."
"I uh... was just... um... working." He cleared his throat and stepped back to let her in. "Let’s see what you found."
Diane bustled right in, spreading out the swatches -- a lovely, understated grey-purple with tiny violets worked throughout with a bold violet and ivy trim. Then she showed some delicate florals for the child's rooms and a few green patterns for the bathrooms.
"You're right. That is perfect. I'm not sure about the stuff for the kid's rooms though and the bathrooms. I'll have to think about those." He gave her an apologetic shrug and hoped she accepted it. He wasn't about to explain to her that he suddenly had someone else to consult, someone who'd been there when the house was at its best who could tell him exactly what the wall paper was like.
"Wonderful. I'll leave you the swatches and just order the grey. Do you have any beer in your fridge, love?" She wandered back toward the kitchen. "How about the tower room? Have you given it any thought?"
"Um... Blues." He trailed along behind her, wondering how he could get rid of her so he could go find Samuel. Or let Samuel find him. Oh, god, there was his erection coming back along with visions of lying naked in his bed, waiting for Samuel to come to him. He might have made a whimpering noise and he bit his lip, hoping to God he hadn't.
"Blues? Suits, given that it's a boy's room. Have you knocked the walls out of the ballroom?" She opened the fridge and shook her head. "No beer. You want to come out with me and Rick? Get some margaritas and listen to that new salsa band?"
"I'm starting the ballroom next week." He gave her a smile and shook his head. "And thanks for the invitation, but I think I'll stay home tonight."
He felt awkward and restless and he wanted her out of his house, now. What if Samuel stayed away even after she left? What if Samuel had never existed at all and he'd been sleeping in his chair, having some elaborate sex dream that the doorknocker interrupted.
Oh, God, he really was going crazy.
Just then a warm breeze tickled his ear, giggles hidden within.
And maybe crazy was a place he wanted to go.
"I was actually in the middle of some... stuff that I need to get back to." He put his hand on Diane's arm, guiding her back toward the front hall.
"Oh, are you sure? We'll have fun." Diane kept chattering all the way to the front door. "Tequila shots, my treat!"
"You know what I'm like after two of those, Diane -- you'd have to drag my unconscious carcass back home." He shook his head again. "I've got stuff to do."
"Okay, Jas." She hugged him tight and then bounced down the stairs.
He closed the door behind her and then locked it. A glance at his watch confirmed what the bright sunshine outside had told him -- it wasn't much past noon. Which was probably far too early to get naked and go to bed. Still, that didn't stop him from looking for Samuel.
"Sam?" he called quietly, wandering back into his office. "You here?"
Nothing answered him, but the fabric swatches were lined up along the floor, heading out toward the kitchen. Grinning, he followed them, excitement making his skin tingle. The little swatches led him on a merry chase, up to the ballroom, down through the secret passages, ending in a neat pile at the foot of his bed.
"Oh..." He was hard, ready, eager. He wanted to feel more of those kisses that were soft as air but more. He wanted to be touched in places nobody but him had touched. The other night didn't count -- he hadn't known, hadn't realized.
"Yes, Jason." The whisper brushed around his jaw, tickling the nape of his neck.
He shuddered. "Can I see you? Please?"
"Oh, yes." That sweet wind brushed his cheekbone and then the air solidified, Sam right there, green eyes shining, hair tousled. The ghost was wearing a simple white nightshirt, thin and well-worn.
"Oh..." he smiled. "Is it bedtime already?"
"It seemed appropriate." Samuel stepped close, moving into his arms. "Should I dress?"
He shook his head. "Not for my sake. I should probably undress." He was flushed. He was hard. He was full of nervous excitement.
"I would like that. You are quite lovely to look upon." Samuel stroked his cheek, hands warm and whole.
He murmured, nuzzling into Samuel's hand. His hands were trembling slightly as he brought them up to undo the buttons of his shirt.
"Shall I help?" When he nodded, the buttons began to open easily beneath Sam's fingers, exposing his skin to those green eyes. "So lovely."
"What about yours?" he asked, trying hard not to cover himself as his pants were undone and tugged off.
"My what?" Samuel giggled again, standing suddenly naked for him.
"Oh!" He gasped and grinned and then gasped again. Samuel looked really good, really real and he reached out. "Will it be good for you?" he asked. "Can you still?"
"I can. I think. I mean -- try to touch me and I'll try to be real."
He reached out, gasping as his hand slid along warm flesh, Samuel's stomach muscles jumping beneath his fingertips.
"Oh... Oh... I can feel you, Jason. Feel you." Samuel gasped, eyes wide.
"You're warm," he murmured, smiling up into Samuel's eyes. "So warm." He hadn't expected that.
"You... You're touching me." Samuel was grinning, hands sliding down his belly, over his hips.
"I am. And you're touching me." He was shaking a little. He laughed, nervous, happy, excited. About to shoot.
"I am." Those hands moved in, green eyes staring deep into him as fingers wrapped around his cock.
"Oh God!" He bucked, body arching as he pushed his hips, sliding his cock up through S
amuel's hand. It was so much more than the touch of breeze he'd experienced before and yet somehow the same.
Samuel stroked him once and he came with a shudder and a soft sob.
"Oh... you are lovely. Just like before." Samuel's eyes were huge, fascinated.
Another shudder went through him and he leaned forward, wanting a kiss so badly, needing it. Samuel's lips covered his, hot tongue sliding over his lips and into his mouth, tasting him with a sweet, needy moan. His hands slid around Samuel's waist, holding the other boy, skin warm beneath his fingertips. His own moan was soft, almost a whimper.
Samuel was rocking gently, cock hot and hard, so real that he couldn't believe Sam wasn't right there. His knees started to buckle and he made a soft noise, pushing toward the bed.
Sam followed easily, fluid in his arms, sinking with him onto the bed, eyes wide and laughing. "This feels so good, Jason. So good."
He nodded. "Have you done this before?" he asked, it suddenly occurring to him that maybe Samuel hadn't. "You just seem to know..."
"Done?" Samuel looked confused for a moment and then grinned. "Oh! Making love? Yes. Not in many years, of course, but I was on the end of a seduction in my day."
"And now you're doing the seducing." A shiver rippled through him.
"It seemed the thing to do, yes?" He got another caress, lighter than air itself, eyes dancing, twinkling.
He nodded. "Oh, yes." He felt his cheeks heat at his own eagerness. He couldn't help himself though, the touches were so good.
"Good. Close your eyes." Hands brushed over his eyes, closing his lids. "I wish to touch you."
"I can't watch?" he asked, voice hushed.
"You like to watch?" Sam's voice was soft, a breeze brushing over his body, making his nipples hard, his belly ripple.
He gasped, hands curling into the covers. "I don't know. Maybe."
The brushes tickled his belly, his hips, his cock, playing with him -- thousands of tiny little tickles sliding over him. It wasn't possible; Sam couldn't be touching him like that...
Maybe Sam could.
He whimpered, body moving, searching out more of the sweet sensations.
"Mm...you like this." The touches slid down his legs, tickling around his ankles. "You look lovely, Jason."
"You keep saying that."
A giggle tickled over his cock. "It continues to be true."
He laughed, moaned, jerked up, hips arching. "Sam..."
"Yes, Jason." The giggles came again, slick against his cock, against his balls.
"Oh, God, Sam..." He'd never felt anything like it, never felt anything so good.
His legs were parted, touches licking beneath his balls, breath wrapping his cock, stroking. "So lovely, Jason."
He took a sobbing breath, shaking. His inner thighs were nipped, licked, and touched, while the tip of his cock was surrounded by sucking heat, pulled warm and steady.
"Oh! Oh, God, Sam, I'm going to come."
The suction continued, something cool sliding through his crease, teasing him. His hips snapped up and he cried out, his orgasm starting at his toes and singing through his body. His seed splashed against his belly, hot and rich, Samuel's groan filling the air around him.
He raised his head, mouth opening, wanting that sweet brush of air kiss. The touch settled on his lips, breath filling his lungs. He breathed Sam in, hand reaching up to cup Samuel's head. At first what he felt was just a shift in the air, and then Samuel's curls appeared beneath his hand, silken and slick.
He opened his eyes slowly, looking up into twinkling green eyes.
"See? Lovely." The round button nose rubbed against his own.
He laughed. He felt incredible, easy and right in his own skin.
"What about you?" he asked. "How do I?"
"How do you what?" Samuel laughed, the sound merry and warm. "I thought you already had..."
"No... I mean did you... come?" He felt his cheeks flush hot. "Can you?"
"Not like you. There's not enough of me to..." Samuel trailed his cool fingers through the seed on his belly. "...but I can feel it. Inside."
"What do I do? I mean..." God, he was being an idiot. "How do I make you feel it?"
Samuel took his hand, sliding it down over so-firm flesh, down to a warm, pulsing cock. "Touch me. Feel me."
"I wasn't sure..." He wrapped his hand around Samuel's cock, so hot and solid against his palm, his fingers.
"Oh! You feel extremely sure!" Samuel's eyes got very wide, body shivering.
He watched, fascinated and turned on all over again as his touches put that look on Samuel's face.
"More? Please?" Samuel's head dipped, nuzzling his shoulder. "Jason..."
He tightened his hand, pulling faster. It felt weird, doing this for someone else, everything was at the wrong angle, but he kept it up, his own cock getting harder. Samuel began to move, cock sliding like air through the circle of his hand, heat building, whimpers falling sweet around him.
He wrapped his hand around the back of Samuel's head and tugged him down, bringing their mouths together. Samuel tasted like cinnamon and raisins and something sharp, like whiskey. Samuel's body trembled, shaking in his arms, under his touch, beneath his kiss.
He moved his hand faster, squeezing tighter, wanting to make Samuel feel as good as he had. Samuel arched and cried out, glowing for a moment, bright and beautiful, before he faded, light and faint as he blinked up into Jason's eyes.
His hand collapsed in on itself, the warmth gone. "Samuel," he whispered, reaching to touch a curved cheek, but stopping short.
"Oh, so wonderful, Jason." Samuel's voice was wind, warm whispers.
He curled up on the bed, staring at the see-through form. "Can you stay?"
"Yes." Samuel looked at him seriously. "Am I scaring you?"
"No. Are you supposed to be?"
"Probably." He got a grin. "But I'm better at this."
He chuckled. "I'm glad. This was really nice."
"Yes. Very." Samuel's hand ghosted across his face. "Shall we try it again?"
He nodded quickly. "Yes."
Then he laughed at himself, stretching back out, feeling the sheets slide against his skin. "It isn't hurting you, right? To stay... corporeal?"
"No. I might fade a bit if I... if you touch me again." Samuel grinned. "You made me feel so good, Jason."
"You made me feel good, too. I've never felt anything like that." He laughed suddenly. "You think we can share the tower room without any fuss now?"
Samuel's eyes gleamed. "So long as there's no pink or yellow in the rug."
"What have you got against pink and yellow?"
"I don't like them."
He laughed, hand reached out to stroke Samuel's cheek, watching as it solidified for him. "Why not?"
"Well, pink is so... girlish." Samuel giggled, snuggling closer.
"And yellow?" He shifted, sliding against Samuel's skin.
"The sun is enough yellow for anyone to awaken to, Jason." Cool fingers brushed along his spine. "And it makes me look sallow."
"All right -- no yellow or pink, I promise." He pushed back into the soft touches behind him and then forward, into Samuel.
Samuel's soft giggles seemed to come from everywhere, gentle and happy. Almost bubbling. The touches tickled over the small of his back, his ass, Samuel warm and close before him. He joined their mouths together, wanting more of the sweet, warm kisses. And more of the feathery touches and more of the solid warmth and just more.
Sam's kisses were like summer breezes, more warm than wet, touching him everywhere. His cock was rubbing against Sam's belly, making his breath catch in the back of his throat.
Sam rubbed back with enthusiasm, the heat and firmness of the ghost's cock returning. "Jason... feels good."
"Oh yeah, really, really good." Leaning over, he licked along Sam's shoulder. It tasted salty and earthy, a little bit like violets.
"Oh!" Samuel's eyes were stunned. "Can you taste me?"r />
"Yes. You taste good."
"Oh..." Samuel blushed, growing warmer in his arms.
"I love that," he murmured, licking at the skin underneath Samuel's jaw.
"What?" The lick caused a series of soft shivers to rock Sam.
"They way you blush. I can even see it when you're more not here than here."
"Oh." The blush deepened, Samuel's eyes alight. "That... You make me feel..."
He smiled, reaching up to brush a finger across one red cheek. "What? How do I make you feel?"
"Warm. Excited." Samuel nuzzled into the touch. "Here."
"Well you are, aren't you? Here, I mean."
"Yes. I suppose I am." Another giggle slid over his lips.
A delightful shiver went down his spine. "I love that, too," he said, smiling.
"Laughing?" Samuel's cheek slid against his.
He nodded. "Your laughter dances against my skin. Feels good."
That earned him another laugh, this one tickling his ear, the side of his neck.
He arched and pushed himself close to Samuel, rubbing. "Can we make love some more?" He didn't want to be greedy, but it felt so good, felt better than just about anything and Samuel had suggested earlier that they do it again.
"I believe we should, yes." Samuel's heat felt like a warm blanket of air, stroking at his skin, touching every single nerve.
"Oh, good." He shivered, barely able to catch his breath. It felt like he was drowning in the sensation, but it wasn't a bad thing, not at all.
"Is this good? Touching you?" Samuel rubbed, mouth sliding over his, so gentle.
"Is it good? Oh, yes, Samuel. It's really, really good." His eyes drifted closed again, mouth opening wide, inviting Samuel in.
"Oh, yes." Samuel's flavor pressed inside, making him ache and making him hungry. Fingers trailed over his cheeks as the kiss deepened, grew breathless.
His hands traveled restlessly up and down along Samuel's skin, touching him everywhere he could reach. Samuel hummed into his mouth, heaviness beginning to rock against him, hard cock sliding against his own. He pushed up hard, wanting more, needing it.
Samuel grabbed his hands, drawing them around to the slim ass. "Help me give you that which you need, Jason."